Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today is a broken day....
nothing is wrong, nothing has happened
I just need to remember truth, because today it seems so far away.
I have listened to this song over and over this morning...
I pray Jesus He would break through...
that life would once again be about Him and not me.

I am so good at saying those words - but today I can't hear them...
Help me, Lord.


Anonymous said...

2 ways to shift the tide from about us to all about him...
begin a praise list (ie Thank you for... ) and to also begin to pray for others, as many 'others' as we can think of...
and, of course, some good worship music helps switch the mood too.
Praying for you today. May the Holy Spirit touch your heart in a much needed way today.
Blessings, Sheri

NYLass said...

I only got this comment today.... but God knew!
Amen and amen to your suggestions - I always turn on worship music (now) when things get hard. Someone told me satan has to flee when God is being praised - so TURN UP the volume!! :O)

I have felt our family lifted by the prayers of the body... thank you for being one of them. I cannot tell you how much you have blessed us by praying.
peace and blessings to you,